Gemma Ruth Richardson

06/1986 —
A brief biography

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Gemma Ruth Richardson

Daughter of Philip Ralph Guinness Richardson and Christine Jayne Trinder. .

Born in 1986, the thirty-fourth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.  She has 3 direct descendants in the family.


Gemma Ruth Richardson was born in North Shore, Auckland, the daughter of Christine Jayne Trinder and Rev Philip Ralph Guinness Richardson. She has three sons(Elijah,Jacob & Levi) with Stephen Paul Ballantyne. She has two sisters.(Alissa Jayne & Hannah Joy)


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William Arthur McKitrick
Name Correction - capitalized "K" in McKitrick Add date of death: 2015

1135 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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Simon Hebeler

Simon Hebeler is the latest Richardson to join - welcome!