Charles (Jim) James Guinness Richardson

02/09/1926 — 25/07/2013
A brief biography

Spouse/Partner and Children

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Marlene Bourn 1938 —   Richardson   Richardson  

Charles (Jim) James Guinness Richardson

Son of Frank Guinness Richardson and Florence Edith Spray. .

Born in 1926, the sixteenth year of the reign of King George V, and died aged eighty-six in the sixty-first year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II  He has 15 direct descendants in the family.


2nd Sept 1926 - 25th July 2013.

Charles James (Jim) Guinness Richardson was born at 6:00 A.M 2nd Sept. 1926 At Turua 5.5 km up stream from Kopu Bridge on the Waihou River.

This was 22.5 km from the family farm in Kaihere, on State Highway 27

His father was Frank Guinness Richardson 11 Jan 1894- 21st June 1951) His mother was Florence Edith Spray (17 Oct 1902-10 Jan 1979)

Named : Charles James Guinness Richardson. But known by everyone as Jim

• Charles being the family name given to the eldest son for 4 generations,

• James after his great uncle James Spray and adopted grandfather ,

• Guinness since his 3rd Great Grand father was Arthur Guinness and founder of the Brewing family.

Although named Charles he picked up the identify of “Jim” , so he wouldn’t be mistaken for his adopted Grandfather James Spray.

Childhood Jim grew up on the family farm on Torehape Rd East, that his father had settled on a WW1 Veterans plan.

The great depression of the 1930’s over shadowed his up bringing. Times were often challenging .Not very much of the Land developed in the early days so the family was hard up. As time went on the size of the herd increased and things improved. He would often tell his sons and then grand children. ” In my Day…..” and present us with stories of life on the farm.

Jim was the eldest of three Children. His brother Jack Frank Richardson ( 13th April 1928-2000) and sister Patricia Noel Grierson (17 March 1937-)


Went to Kaihere District School , down what is now State Highway 27, a daily 5 km horseback trip on an old nag named Jess with a brand mark “Poo” , younger brother Jack Frank and little sister Patricia Noel and a local neighbour shared the bony back of this old horse , with Jim bouncing around on it’s rump.

His “higher education” form 3 and 4 . Was during at WW2 Otahuhu College, were These two years he boarded privately , Leaving school aged 14 .

This was the time of the World War 2 , Being under age Jim was a youth cadet .

Jim was drafted into the Royal NZ Navy, But because the war was at an end and people were being demobilized. He received another letter advising him he was no longer needed and his draft notice was cancelled.

Work and Vocation Jim went to work on initially orchards and farm in Te Puke and Nelson. Aged Twenty-one , a cow kicked a stool he was milking cows on. (this back troubled him for years) .

So moved to Auckland and boarded with his adopted grandparents James and Emma Spray . 63 Halesowen Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland,

• Working for nine years at Whitcombe and Tombs Queen Street Auckland, • Before going into the grocery business for sixteen years .

1. The decision to first buy a IGA shop in Mt Albert , 2. Then relocate to Beach Haven, with the Harbour Bridge Opening Establishing Richardson’s Discount Food hall , a 4 Square grocery business in Beach Haven, With the advent of the larger Foodtown and Woolworths grocery chains he sold up

• He then ended his working life selling real estate Specialising in selling sections.


While at Whitcombe & Tombs, as 18 year old Home Economics’ Student teacher came in seek a cardex system for writing recipes .She was very particular wanting the older much thicker budget style heavy duty cardboard type that was uses during the war .

Marlene came in seeking a cardex system and came out with a Jimmy. Jim asked her to a dance and just over a year later they married on 24 August 1957 in Patea , Taranaki (56 years)

They had twin boys October 1958
1- Craig Frank Richardson
2- Rev. Philip Ralph Guinness Richardson

Jim owned an operated firstly an IGA grocery shop in Mt Albert Auckland , and then moved to Beach Haven Auckland in 1964 and operated a 4 Square Grocery named Richardson's Food Hall . Before retiring he sold real estate on Auckland's North Shore .

He loved Fishing and sailing and tending his vegetable garden

Family Brick comes to New Zealand

Charles RICHARDSON ( Charles James Guinness RICHARDSON ) of the NZ Line , with one of great grand fathers bricks manufactured at Conyer Creek UK

Jim with his mother Flossie and brother Jack plus sister Pat

Jim with his eldest grandchild

See all 4 tidbits


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Philip Howarth

Philip died on 27.2.22.

1137 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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