Anna Maria Lacy

— 1813
A brief biography


Anna Maria Lacy — 1813
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Mentioned in


William Richardson of Gainford 1738-1799
Michael Hogan and his ''Indian Princess' ...
The Richardsons of Leatherhead


Anna Maria and some of her children moved to England in 1792 about their own vessel, the Nettuno and after a stay in London moved to the mansion in Gainford, Co. Durham that William had built.

Tragically William died in 1799, Anna Maria moved back to Calcutta and lived there until her death in 1813.


According to Michael Hogan in his book about her son-in-law, Anna Maria Lacy was hired by William Richardson as a housekeeper shortly after his arrival in Bombay.

Anna Maria was supposedly from a Portuguese family that had resided in Bombay and Goa for many years, and reputed to be descended from Persian refugees who had settled there in the seventh and eighth centuries to escape Islamic persecution.

more ...

Later Life

Anna Maria and some of her children moved to England in 1792 about their own vessel, the Nettuno and after a stay in London moved to the mansion in Gainford, Co. Durham that William had built.

Tragically William died in 1799, Anna Maria moved back to Calcutta and lived there until her death in 1813.

Her Will and Inventory have provided an unusually full insight into her final year. She requested to  

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William Arthur McKitrick
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1135 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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