Doctor George Leonard Turney

19/10/1898 — 27/06/1960
A brief biography


George Leonard Turney 1898 — 1960
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Winifred Murray 1898 — 1942  

George Leonard Turney

Born in 1898, the sixty-first year of the reign of Queen Victoria, and died aged sixty-one in the eighth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II  He has 1 direct descendant in the family.


George Leonard Turney
Gender: Male
Marriage Age: 26
Record Type: Marriage
Birth Year: abt 1898
Marriage Date: 11 Jun 1924
Marriage Place: Reigate, St Mark with St Philip, Surrey, England
Parish as it Appears: Reigate
Search Photos: Search for 'Reigate, St Mark with St Philip' in the UK City, Town and Village Photos collection
Father: Horace George Turney
Spouse: Winfred Murry


Dr George Leonard Turney (Physicist) was born on 19 October 1897, his father, Dr Horace Turney, was 36 and his mother, Margaret, was 37. He married Winifred Murray on 11 June 1924 in Reigate, Surrey. He died on 27 June 1960 at the age of 62.

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