Bernard Hebeler

1815 — 20/03/1862
A brief biography


Bernard Hebeler 1815 — 1862
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Bernard Hebeler

Born in 1815, the fifty-fifth year of the reign of King George III, and died aged forty-seven in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of Queen Victoria  He has 3 direct descendants in the family.

The German Mining Company

Director of the German Mining Company, mining for copper, silver, lead and iron, in 1839 at the time that Caroline's cousin Rebecca Ann Richardson sued her brother Christopher for recovery of debts in the High Courts.

The Prussian Consul

Bernard Hebeler of York Place, Portman Square, London, Consul General of HM the King of Prussia, counterclaimed for the compensation for the enslaved people on the Saxony estate in Clarendon at the behest of the Prussian government and on behalf of two sons of John Gottschalk of Jamaica, whose residuary legatees they [the sons] were.

The Order Of The Red Eagle

Order of the Red Eagle

Bernard Hebeler was awarded the Order 2nd Class, by Frederick William IV of Prussia, for his services as Prussian Consul-General in London, in 1842

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Philip Howarth

Philip died on 27.2.22.

1137 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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Sarah is the latest Richardson to join - welcome!