Eric Edmund Leivesley

1920 — 21/03/2015
A brief biography


Eric Edmund Leivesley 1920 — 2015
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Christiena Susan Dicken 1918 — 1985  

Eric Edmund Leivesley

Born in 1920, the tenth year of the reign of King George V, and died aged ninety-five in the sixty-third year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II  He has 1 direct descendant in the family.


Eric Edmund Leivesley was born in 1920 in Doncaster, Yorkshire. He married Christiena Susan Elizabeth Dicken in September 1943 in Kensington, Middlesex. He died on 21 March 2015 in Camelford, Cornwall, at the age of 95.

Mr Eric Edmund LeivesleyGenderMaleAge95Birth Date1920Last ResidenceCamelford Cornwall EnglandPostal Code DistrictPL32Death Date21/03/2015

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1137 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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