Herbert Arthur Pople

04/1881 — 06/1918
A brief biography


Herbert Arthur Pople 1881 — 1918
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Alice Violet Richardson 1881 —  

Herbert Arthur Pople

Born in 1881, the forty-fourth year of the reign of Queen Victoria, and died aged thirty-seven in the eighth year of the reign of King George V  He has 1 direct descendant in the family.


Herbert Arthur Pople was born in April 1881 in Axbridge, Somerset, his father, Frank, was 25 and his mother, Jane, was 26.

22 May 1881 • Weston Super Mare Christchurch, Somerset, England
Herbert Arthur Pople Baptism Date: 22 May 1881 Baptism Place: Weston Super Mare Christchurch, Somerset, England Search Photos: Search for 'Weston Super Mare Christchurch' in the UK City, Town and Village Photos collection Father: Frank Henry Pople

He married Violet Alice Richardson in July 1903 in Cardiff, Glamorgan. He died in June 1918 at the age of 37.


Herbert Arthur Pople Registration Year 1903 Registration Quarter Jul-Aug-Sep Registration district Cardiff Inferred County Glamorgan Volume 11a Page 652 records on Page 5

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1135 relatives found

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Simon Hebeler

Simon Hebeler is the latest Richardson to join - welcome!