Baroness Byron of Rochdale Robyn Margaret Mclean

±1950 —
A brief biography


Robyn Margaret Mclean ±1950 —
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Robyn Margaret Mclean

Born in New Zealand around 1950, the fourteenth year of the reign of King George VI.  She has 5 direct descendants in the family.


Robyn Margaret McLean is the daughter of John McLean of New Zealand.
She married Robert James Byron, 13th Baron Byron of Rochdale, son of Lt.-Col. Richard Geoffrey Gordon Byron, 12th Baron Byron of Rochdale and Dorigen Margaret Esdaile, in 1979.
From 1979, her married name became Byron.

After her marriage, Robyn Margaret McLean was styled as Baroness Byron of Rochdale in 1989.

Children of Robyn Margaret McLean and Robert James Byron, 13th Baron Byron of Rochdale

1- Hon. Caroline Anne Victoria Byron 2 b. 1981
2- Hon. Emily Clare Byron b. 1984
3- Hon. Sophie Georgina Byron b. 1986
4- Hon. Charles Richard Gordon Byron b. 28 Jul 1990

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