Hsueh-Chun Liao

1950 —
A brief biography


Hsueh-Chun Liao 1950 —
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David Harrington Angus Douglas 1930 —   Beth Shan Ling (Ling- Ling) Douglas 1999 — 2018  

Hsueh-Chun Liao

Born in 1950, the fourteenth year of the reign of King George VI.  She has 1 direct descendant in the family.


Hsueh-Chun Liao married David Harrington Angus Douglas, 12th Marquess of Queensberry, son of Francis Archibald Kelhead Douglas, 11th Marquess of Queensberry and Cathleen Sabine Mann, on 3 July 2000.

After her marriage, Hsueh-Chun Liao was styled as Marchioness of Queensberry on 3 July 2000. From 3 July 2000, her married name became Douglas.

She is a renowned ceramicist and some of her works have been acquired by the British Museum.

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William Arthur McKitrick
Name Correction - capitalized "K" in McKitrick Add date of death: 2015

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