Joyce Emily Agnes Keenan

17/12/1911 — 06/04/1974
A brief biography


Joyce Emily Agnes Keenan 1911 — 1974
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Angus Crossbie Carnachan 1917 — 1988  

Joyce Emily Agnes Keenan

Born in 1911, the first year of the reign of King George V, and died aged sixty-two in the twenty-second year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II  She has 1 direct descendant in the family.


Joyce Emily Agnes Keenan was born on 17 December 1911 in Mangaonoho, Manawatu-Wanganui, her father, William, was 39, and her mother, Ellen, was 31. She married Angus Crosbie (Brownie) Carnachan in 1939. She died on 6 April 1974 in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, at the age of 62, and was buried in Bay of Plenty.

Joyce Emily Agnes Keenan
Birth Date: Jan-Feb-Mar 1912
Registration Place: Hunterville, Wellington, New Zealand
Folio Number: 629

Father William John KEENAN (1872-1933)
Mother Ellen Henderson [Nellie] (1880-1957)

Joyce Emily Agnes Carnachan
Death Age: 72
Death Place: Tauranga
Burial Place: Tauranga, Thames Valley, Bay of Plenty
Cemetery : Bay of Plenty

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