Linda Kathleen Masters

09/05/1900 — 14/01/1988
A brief biography


Linda Kathleen Masters 1900 — 1988
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Arthur Hindmarsh Guinness 1895 — 1956  

Linda Kathleen Masters

Born in 1900, the sixty-third year of the reign of Queen Victoria, and died aged eighty-seven in the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II  She has 1 direct descendant in the family.


Linda Kathleen Masters was born on 9 May 1900 in Manganui , Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand, her father, Leonard, was 31, and her mother, Matilda"TILLIE", was 26. She married Arthur Hindmarsh Guinness in 1919 in her hometown. They had three children during their marriage. She died on 14 January 1988 in Auckland at the age of 87.

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William Arthur McKitrick
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Simon Hebeler

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