Malvenia (Lottie ) Baggs

08/05/1903 — 1989
A brief biography


Malvenia (Lottie ) Baggs 1903 — 1989
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Francis Charles Gardiner Richardson 1897 —  

Malvenia (Lottie ) Baggs

Born in 1903, the second year of the reign of King Edward VII, and died aged eighty-five in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II

Trip to UK

Lottie M Richardson
Arrival Age: 27
Birth Date: abt 1903
Port of Departure: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Arrival Date: 7 Sep 1930
Port of Arrival: London, England
Ports of Voyage: Plymouth, Devon, England
Ship Name: Alaunia
Shipping Line: Cunard Steamship Company Ltd
Official Number: 147315

War Pension

Malvina Richardson
Gender: Female
Relation to Head: Widow
Spouse: Francis Richardson


Malvina Baggs
BIRTH 01 Dec 1903 Curling, Newfoundland

DEATH 10 June 1989 DIFFERENT Los Angeles

Family Info
Father James Havell Baggs (1873-1918)
Mother Rebecca Sussanna Roberts (1875-1966)
Spouse Francis Charles Richardson (1898-)
Married 1930


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William Arthur McKitrick
Name Correction - capitalized "K" in McKitrick Add date of death: 2015

1135 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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Simon Hebeler

Simon Hebeler is the latest Richardson to join - welcome!