Violet Mabel Steer

12/01/1908 —
A brief biography


Violet Mabel Steer 1908 —
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Violet Mabel Steer 1908 —   Richardson  

Violet Mabel Steer

Born in 1908, the seventh year of the reign of King Edward VII.


Violet Mabel Steer was born on 12 January 1908 in East Preston, Sussex, the daughter of G and M Steer. She married Edward Rowley Richardson on 4 November 1947 in Lagos, Nigeria. They had two children during their marriage. She died on 9 March 1977 in Newton Abbot, Devon, at the age of 69


Violet Mabel Richardson
Death Age: 69
Birth Date: 12 Jan 1908
Registration Date: Jan 1977
[Feb 1977]
[Mar 1977]
Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar
Registration District: Newton Abbot
Inferred County: Devon
Volume: 21
Page: 1675

Lagos; Takoradi and Freetown

Violet Mabel Richardson
Arrival Age: 47
Birth Date: 12 Jan 1908
Port of Departure: Lagos
Arrival Date: 29 Aug 1955
Port of Arrival: Liverpool, England
Ports of Voyage: Lagos; Takoradi and Freetown
Ship Name: Apapa
Shipping Line: Elder Dempster Lines Ltd
Official Number: 0079/01

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William Arthur McKitrick
Name Correction - capitalized "K" in McKitrick Add date of death: 2015

1135 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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Simon Hebeler

Simon Hebeler is the latest Richardson to join - welcome!