Mary Tanner

05/1807 — 15/05/1893
A brief biography


Mary Tanner 1807 — 1893
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Catherine Trinder 1833 — 1857   Thomas (Sen.) Trinder 1848 — 1888  

Mary Tanner

Born in 1807, the forty-seventh year of the reign of King George III, and died aged eighty-six in the fifty-sixth year of the reign of Queen Victoria  She has 4 direct descendants in the family.


Mary Tanner was born in 1807 in Burford, Oxfordshire, her father, Joseph, was 27, and her mother, Catherine, was 22. She married William Trinder on 17 September 1832 in her hometown. They had eight children in 16 years. She died in April 1893 in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, having lived a long life of 86 years, and was buried in Great Barrington, Gloucestershire.

DESCENDANTS descendants
Mother of Catherine (Trinder) Newman, William Trinder Jun., Mary (Trinder) Kensett, Elizabeth Trinder, Joseph Trinder Sen., Charles John Trinder, Thomas Trinder Sen. and Constance Trinder

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