Arthur Wyndham George Sich

A brief biography


Arthur Wyndham George Sich —
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Arthur Wyndham George Sich


Arthur Wyndham George Sich was born in 1870 in Chiswick, Middlesex, his father, Francis, was 41 and his mother, Ann, was 39. He married Alexandra ( Lexa) Mary Clare Richardson on 16 June 1897 in Hillingdon, Middlesex. They had two children during their marriage. He died on 16 January 1950 in Sussex at the age of 80.

EYNHAM HOUSE, Chiswick Mall

EYNHAM HOUSE, Chiswick Mall

Now two separate properties, this was built as one house by the Russell family, the earls (later dukes) of Bedford, in the middle of the 17th century. They moved here from Corney House. The house was given a Georgian-style pediment and windows in the 18th century when it might also have been split into two. Bedford House and Eynham House were owned by the Plukenett-Woodroffe family - who owned several houses on Chiswick Mall - until 1920. In the 1850s it was occupied by members of the Sich family who ran Chiswick's Lamb Brewery. The Sich's sold their lease on the house, along with their brewery to the Isleworth Brewery in 1920. Two years later the Isleworth Brewery conveyed the brewery buildings and Bedford House to Fuller's Brewery. The house was than bought outright by Warwick Draper a barrister and the author of Chiswick. He tragically fell to his death from a balcony there in 1926 while inspecting a chimney fire. In 1945 Bedford House was bought by Sir Michael Redgrave who lived there with his family until 1954.

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Philip Howarth

Philip died on 27.2.22.

1137 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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