Barnaby Boles

— 1809
A brief biography


Barnaby Boles — 1809
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William Richardson of Gainford 1738-1799
Michael Hogan and his ''Indian Princess' ...

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Jane Richardson 1768 — 1837±  

Barnaby Boles

Died in the forty-ninth year of the reign of King George III  He has 1 direct descendant in the family.

India and Ceylon

Barnaby Boles married Jane Richardson in Bombay on 11 Dec 1788, she was 18.

He was a British officer of the HEIC Native Infantry, later rising to Colonel of the 8th native infantry in Ceylon in 1807. Died at Spleen Hill, Berkshire in 1809 while en route to Bath.
There is an obituary in the Salisbury and Winchester Journal on 09/10/1809.

Record Type: Military

Burnaby Boles
Record Type: Military
Military Date: 6 Sep 1797
Military Place: India

Lt Col

Burnaby Boles
Record Type: Military
Military Date: 1801
Military Place: India

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Philip Howarth

Philip died on 27.2.22.

1137 relatives found

Eleanor Adele Richardson is the latest relative on the Richardson website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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Sarah is the latest Richardson to join - welcome!