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Document Request: Will of Anna Maria LACY
Document Description: Will of Anna Maria LACY partner of William Richardson of Calcutta
Transcription URL: https://richardson.surnametree.com/library/vdocs/D_58#58
Document Transcription:
1813 Will and Testament of Anna Maria Lacy

In the Name of God Amen. I Anna Maria Lacy
Inhabitant of Calcutta of Sound Mind and Memory do
make this my last Will and Testament in manner
and form following
First I desire that my Body be buried in the new Portuguese
Church and that the Expense does not exceed one
thousand Rupees.
Secondly I give and bequeath unto my two Servant Girls
named Peggy and Christiana the sum of one hundred
Sicca Rupees each also further and bequeath unto each of
them the sum of Ten Sicca Rupees to be paid monthly
during their natural lives provided they conduct themselves
to the satisfaction of my Executor to whom I give a
discretionary power, also further give and bequeath unto
a Girl named Catherine Daughter of the above named
Peggy the sum of Five Sicca Rupees to be paid her
monthly during her natural Life, but if she marries the
sum of Two hundred Sicca Rupees is to be paid to her
and the five Rupees to cease - for the accomplishment
of the above Legacies I desire my House No 36 in
Colloatollah may be kept for that purpose.
Thirdly I give and bequeath unto William Richardson,
Jane Boles, Frances Hogan, Charlotte Walton, Harriet Richardson
& Christopher Richardson, the residue of
my Property whatever and wherever it may be at my
Decease share & share alike in case of either of them dying
before the other the survivor or survivors to be the heir or heirs.
Lastly I do hereby appoint William Richardson, David
Clark and William Higgs Executors to act jointly or
separately in the absence of each other. In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
This eighth day of January in the Year Christ one thousand…

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