Document Request: Will of Harriet Neville née Richardson
Document Description: Harriet Neville née Richardson died intestate in 1869 and her son Henry James Walton Neville was appointed Executor and heir
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Document Transcription:The Will of Harriet Neville
Harriet Neville was the youngest daughter of William Richardson of Gainford, she married James Neville, a Royal Navy Captain, and had two children, Henry, and Jane. Harriet died in 1869, five years before her son. Jane however lived for another thirty years.
Harriet died intestate at the age of 85.
On the first day of June 1869
the Will
of Harriet Neville late of No 7 Donegal Terrace, Devonport in the County of Devon, Widow
deceased who died on the 20th day of May 1869 at Davenport aforesaid
was proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty’s Court of Probate at Exeter by the Oaths of
Henry James Walton Neville of Chatham in the County of Kent, Assistant Civil Engineer in Her Majesty’s Dockyard there, Son of the deceased, and Jane Clephane Neville of Devonport aforesaid, Spinster, Daughter of the deceased,
the Executors named in they having been first sworn duly to administer,
Effects under £200
No Leaseholds
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