Document Request: 1952 Newspaper Obituary of Charles William Richardson
Document Description: 1952 Newspaper Obituary of Charles William Richardson and cover of Funeral service leaflet
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Document Transcription:Death of Rickmansworth architect
Mr C.W. Richardson
We regret to announce the death of Mr Charles William Richardson at his home, Pondmere, Chorleywood Common, on Friday morning. He was aged 74.
Mr Richardson had been seriously ill towards the end of last year, but appears to have made a good recovery. He had returned to work and was in fact in his office on Thursday. His death was unexpected. He was well known throughout the district, particularly in Rotary and Masonic circles.
Founder-President of Rickmansworth Rotary club, he rarely missed one of its weekly luncheon meetings. He was also a past Master of the Rickmansworth Lodge of Freemasons.
It was in the field of recreation that he was possibly best known. A keen swimmer in his youth - when he entered for many county and other championships - he was one of the pioneer members of the Rickmansworth Swimming Club when the meeting place was the Grand Union Canal. He was Secretary for nearly 30 years and in later years President of the club.
An architect, Mr Richardson came to Rickmansworth in the closing years of the last century when he took a post as assistant at Swannell and Sly’s. Later he opened a separate firm of architects in partnership with another man. He moved to Chorleywood in the early 1900s. In his business, Mr Richardson was responsible for the planning of many houses and estates in the district. His firm planned several estates for Rickmansworth and Chorleywood councils, one of the latest being the postwar Mill End estate, for Rickmansworth. He was a director of the Watford and West Herts Building Society.
His wife died in 1940. He leaves one son, Mr M.S.Richardson, who was in business partnership with him. The funeral service, which was held at Chorleywood Parish Church on Tuesday afternoon, was attended by representatives of many local organisations.
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