Document Request: 1835 Will of Christopher Richardson of Limehouse
Document Description: 1835 Will of Christopher Richardson of Limehouse
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Document Transcription:PROVED at London the 9th April 1835 before the worshipful Gerrard Beaumont Barnaby .. of Laws & Surrogate by the oath of James Sanders Esq the sole ...... to whom ..... was granted having been first ..... only ....
I CHRISTOPHER RICHARDSON of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex Timber merchant being of sound mind and memory and understanding do make ....... this my last Will & Testament hereby any Will or Wills heretofore made by me. To God Almighty my heavenly Father I resign my Soul Humbly hoping forgiveness from thee of my manifold sins ........... and omissions of his Holy Commands through the .....tion of his only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Should I depart this life within fifty miles | or thereabouts | of London I ..... may be deposited in the vault under Limehouse Church as near to the remains of my beloved wife as possible. If beyond that distance then in the burial place of the Parish where I shall die. The funeral to be direct but as small and ....... as that will admit of, for I dislike funeral pegeantry. I give and ....... to my son John Dingley Richardson five hundred pounds stock in the Commercial road, Limehouse | part of one thousand pounds standing in my name | to be transferred to him after the first half yearly ...... shall have been served by my Executors subsequent to my decease. I also give to my said son John Dingley Richardson my Freehold ground on which seven houses are built in Island Row likewise that other Freehold ground whereon our houses are built (including the Volunteer Tavern) in Mill Place. I also give to him my Freehold ground whereon three houses are rented in Albion Terrace on the Commercial road, also the other Freehold .... the aforesaid on the East Side thereof situate between Mill Place and Island Row at present unoccupied but part thereof let on lease to Mr Grant Preston for the purpose of building on. I further give to my said son John Dingley Richardson the sum of four thousand pounds sterling to be paid to him (out of my capital in the Timber bonding yards) within two years after my decease with interest after the first year, after the rate of four per cent per annum. I own and bequeath to my beloved daughter Ann Ribena Richardson seven thousand pounds three per cent consolidated annuities ( part of a larger sum standing in my name in the Book of the Bank of England ). I also give to her eight thousand pounds the per cent ....... annuities also standing in my name in the Books of the Bank of England, both sums to be transferred to her as soon as the half yearly dividends on each shall have been ....ved by my Executors hereinafter named in trust for my grand-daughters Harriet and Mary Ann ( daughters of my late son Peter Thomas Richardson ) the sum of four thousand pounds sterling to be paid to the said Executors out of my capital in the Timber and Bonding yards ( within the term of two years after my demise and to be by them invested in such Government stock or securities as they may judge most safe and beneficial for the interest of the said Harriet and Mary Ann Richardson and to be transferred to them respectively in equal proportions ( together in like manner such interest or other profits as may have accrued thereon ) as they shall each attain the age of twenty-four years in .... the aforesaid sum of four thousand pounds should not be paid and invested within the first year after my decease, interest is to be allowed for the ......ding year after the rate of four per cent per annum and added to the capital. Should either of the aforesaid grand daughters die before arriving at the age of twenty four years of age I direct that the stock or other securities together with the accumulated interest or profits thereon shall be transferred to the survivor and should it be the will of the Almighty to deprive them both of life before the abovementioned term, I then bequeath the whole sum to my grandson Christopher their brother. I give likewise to my said Executors in trust for the benefit of my Grandson Christopher the sum of two thousand pounds sterling out of my capital in the Timber and Bonding business to be paid to them within two years after my decease and to be invested by them in manner as before mentioned shd he live to attain the age of twenty one years then the said stock or securities together with the interest or profits accruing thereon.
I direct to be transferred to him for his sole use and benefit. Should he die before attaining the age of twenty one years I direct the said stock or securities shall be divided share and share alike between the sisters Harriet and Mary Ann or in case of death of either to the survivors I likewise give in trust to my Executors the sum of one thousand pounds sterling out of my capital in the Timber and Bonding business within two years after my decease to be by them invested in Government stock or securities and to pay the interest thereon to Mary Ann Gibbon ( wife of Edward Gibbon of ......ay Sreet in the Cirt of London, Manchester Warehouseman ) for her sole use and benefit and not subject to the control of her present or future husband but that the ...ipt only shall be a proper discharge to the said sisters and after her demise I give and bequeath aforesaid stock or securities to be equally divided ....... the surviving ........ of my ....... the said Mary Ann Gibbon I give to my nieces Clara Adolphus , Mary Ann Richardson and Caroline Richardson (daughters of my deceased brother Rowland Richardson) each five hundred pounds sterling to be paid to them respectively within twelve months after my decease. I give to my nephew Frederick George Richardson five hundred pounds sterling to be paid to him within two years from my decease with interest for the same after the first year at the rate of four per cent per annum. I give to my sister Sarah Richardson mother of the abovementioned two hundred pounds to be paid to her within two years from my death day until the legacy is paid. I give to my _____ Ian Clapham Francis Hogan and Charlotte Walton of _______ and to my nephew Christopher Rowland Richardson, daughters and son of my late beloved brother William Richardson deceased each one hundred pounds sterling to be paid to them respectively within twelve months after my decease as a small token of my regard and in remembrance of the many and great obligations I was under to their ______ father. I give to Mrs Sarah Richardson widow of my deceased nephew Rowland Richardson two hundred pounds to be paid to her within one year of my death. I give to my godson John ?Griggott of _____ one hundred pounds to be paid to him within twelve months from my descease. I give to Miss ___ ______ of Bath daughter of my much respected friend Mrs Pilot one hundred to be paid to her within twelve months after my decease. I give to each daughter and son of my nephew William Richardson of Leatherhead in the County of Surrey that may be living at the time of my decease one hundred pounds sterling to be paid to those of the age of twenty four years within one year after my death and to those who are under that agewhen they shall attain it as a remembrance of my love of them.
The Remainder of my property and effects of every description whether freehold ____hold or leasehold estates the goodwill and business of the Timber and Bonding yards, furniture, wines, spirits, horses and carriages ( with the ______ of plate and other articles mentioned in a ______ ________ _____ ) I give and bequeath to my son Christopher Richardson and in no special manner my Freehold estate at Limehouse in the County of Middlesex formerly called or known by the name of the Saw Mill Yard and now denominated Richardson’s Timber and Bonding yard together with the works, warehouses, dwelling house, stables, sheds, saw pits and every other appertenance hereinto belonging for his sole use and benefit subject nevertheless to the following annuity to be ____ _______ to my daughters Harriet Richardson to whom I give and bequeath the same two hundred pounds per annum ( she being the widow of my deceased son Peter) and to my niece Rebecca Arkroyd the sum of fifty pounds per annum during their respective lives, the first half yearly payments to be made six months after my decease and so ________ to be paid every succeeding six months during their respective natural lives likewise (in case of need ) subject to the payment of all my just gifts, funeral expenses, Government Stamps and duties of proving my Will and other necessary charges, hereby contituting ___ sole residuary legator in consequence of the confidence I repose in a ________ of that harmony , love and affection I have happily witnessed to exist between each and every individual of my family I do hereby ___stitute and appoint in my sons Christopher and John Dingley Richardson EXECUTORS and Trustees of this my last Will and Testament in which I have endeavoured to express ( perhaps with too much tautology ) my intentions as clear as possible but should unhappily a difference of opinion arise on any point between them I earnestly intent by the love they have ____ ____ to our not to apply to the law to determine the case, but to submit the same to be decided by some disinterested Friends as Arbitrators. Given under my hand and soul this thirtieth day of February in the year ou Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight by CHRISTr RICHARDSON
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